Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Oh my goodness, the coolest thing happened tonight I testified at a public hearing regarding economic security and women. I was so nervous I thought for sure that the microphone was going to pick up the thumping of my heart. Here is what I said:
Good Evening—
Tonight we are here to open a discussion about getting to a better tomorrow. I come to you as a young single professional working hard to make a better tomorrow everyday. I am a member of the Young Women’s Leadership Program and as a Prevention Educator for the Domestic Violence Crisis Center located here in Norwalk as well as in Stamford. I along with a dedicated group of educators we work everyday to redefine societal beliefs and attitudes regarding domestic violence. With the YWLP I work to help facilitate programs and legislation to encourage young women to empower themselves.

Professionally all the aspects of my work fulfill me because I am told daily how my work impacts the communities I work with. However, an issue that I challenges me on a monthly basis, like most of my collogues in the social service and non profit sector is how to maintain my independent financially stability now while building for a future for tomorrow. The negation between doing something I love and being able to be financially secure is a difficult one. Almost all the women of varying ages and martial status that I work with work their full time job and at least one part time job. I myself work 35 hours at DVCC as a prevention educator, 16 hours monthly at the Stamford shelter at DVCC, and I have another part time job doing sporadic clerical work. I have an undergraduate and a Master’s degree. There is a severe disconnect between how hard I work and the reality of my finances. I live in a one bedroom apartment in Norwalk, and I meet all of my regular bills such as groceries, electricity, and car payments. There is very little disposable income left. I realize that it is a choice to work in the non profit field, however, when a single woman with no children needs to work almost three jobs to support herself there is a larger issue.

I believe in systems changes, I believe in working with government to make systems more effective for everyone. I work everyday for social and systems changes. I challenge everyone here to examine what professions our society intrinsically value, ideologically and financially. Take a close look at those of us who are on the front lines working for a better tomorrow. How can we make housing costs more affordable for everyone? How can we take the burden of thousands of dollars in college loans for young professionals just starting off manageable while maintaining a their life and being able to look towards the future? I challenge everyone here to look at these questions and work for a new solution.

I got complemented by a senator on the work that I do. How awesome is that?? He also asked if I ever testified about these subjects before. I replied no and inside my head I was going "Holy crap a senator just complimented my public speaking." I also had a handful of other social service and non profit workers come up to me and thank me for being so eloquent on their behalf. It was crazy! I also had a councilperson from Norwalk hug me and say the work that I do is very very important. I am also going to be in the Norwalk paper tomorrow!!!

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Congratulations! Sounds like you did really good!